Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sally the not-so-eco angel!

Well, my knitting marathon last night lasted until 1:30AM! It was awsome. Shane fell asleep with his head in my lap and I knit away working on a project for the kids for Christmas all the while watching CSI. (Which I LOVE.) I'm making the kids some knit dolls. I got the pattern from She's called Sally the eco-angel, being that originally she was made up of all natural materials. My version isn't so eco-friendly I'm afraid, but Still just as cute. I'm thinking of turning her into a fairy instead of an angel, but we shall see. I'm making one each for the girls and then maybe a teddy bear for Bastian...or a dinosaur. (seeing that he doesn't need a knit fairy doll.) Sally comes with her own dress and undies. I'm going to do the dress, undies, and hair different colors for each of the dolls. So far I have the whole body done for the first doll. I have the hair, dress, wings, and undies left. I am so in love with this project and can't wait to see the first doll completed. I picked up some ribbon in different colors, also. Maybe I'll put little bows in their hair or use it as the tie on the dress. I have red with white polkadots, pink with white polkadots, and blue with polkadots. I thought the polkadots would tie the dolls together as being similar, but also different in their own special way. So after I am finished with these I HAVE TO FINISH SHANE'S SOCKS. That poor man has been waiting for a pair of knit socks since last year, but something always comes up or kids always tear my knitting off the needles or something. But I have to get them done next. I leave you with a picture of Sally (The eco-friendly version.)

Happy Knitting!

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